Two job shadow experiences are required in order to walk in graduation. Please select careers of interest to shadow for at least a 1/2 day each, for a total of no more than 2 days excused from school. Students must arrange job shadow experiences in advance.

Visit must be pre-arranged in the Guidance Office, with your teachers, and your parent. Please have all of your teachers sign form and then give this form to Mrs. Polega/Mrs. Dewald before you go. They will make a copy of it and return original to you to take along on your job shadow.

Once you return to school, please hand in original, signed form from job shadow supervisor to the Guidance Office, confirming attendance or the visit will not be considered an excused absence from school. Mrs. Polega/Mrs. Dewald will also make a copy for you to put in your senior binder.

If you are doing a job shadow in the summer, you only need to fill out the right side of the form. After your job shadow is complete, please email the form to Mrs. Dewald at

You may also mail it to:

Unionville-Sebewaing Area Schools

2203 Wildner Rd

Sebewaing, MI 48759

Attn: Guidance Office